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Understanding the Timeline: How Long Before Mold Develops in a Leaking Roof?

7/10/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation We explore the timeline for mold development in a leaking roof and provide insights into the factors that influence its growth.

A leaking roof can lead to a host of problems for homeowners, including water damage, structural issues, and mold growth. While the visible signs of a leaking roof may be apparent, many homeowners wonder how long it takes for mold to develop in the wake of a roof leak. In this blog post, we'll explore the timeline for mold development in a leaking roof and provide insights into the factors that influence its growth.

Factors Influencing Mold Growth in a Leaking Roof

Moisture Levels:

The primary factor influencing mold growth in a leaking roof is moisture. When water penetrates through a roof leak, it creates damp conditions conducive to mold growth. The severity and duration of the moisture intrusion play a significant role in determining how quickly mold will develop.


Temperature also plays a role in mold growth, with warmer temperatures generally accelerating the growth process. In warmer climates or during the summer months, mold may develop more rapidly in a leaking roof compared to cooler temperatures or winter conditions.

Humidity Levels:

High humidity levels can exacerbate mold growth in a leaking roof, providing additional moisture for mold spores to thrive. Areas with elevated humidity levels, such as attics or poorly ventilated spaces, are particularly susceptible to mold growth following a roof leak.

Timeline for Mold Development in a Leaking Roof

While the timeline for mold development in a leaking roof can vary depending on various factors, including those mentioned above, here's a general overview of how quickly mold may develop:

Initial Water Intrusion:

Following a roof leak, water begins to infiltrate the affected area, saturating building materials such as insulation, drywall, and wood framing. Initially, there may be no visible signs of mold growth, but the conditions are ripe for its development.

Within 24-48 Hours:

Within 24 to 48 hours of a roof leak, mold spores may begin to germinate and colonize the damp surfaces. While mold growth may not be visible to the naked eye during this timeframe, the process has likely already begun, especially in areas with high moisture levels.

Within 48-72 Hours:

Between 48 to 72 hours of sustained moisture exposure, visible mold growth may become apparent on surfaces such as ceilings, walls, and attic spaces. Mold may appear as black, green, or brown spots and may produce a musty odor indicative of its presence.

Preventing Mold Growth from a Leaking Roof

Prompt Roof Repairs:

Address roof leaks promptly to prevent prolonged moisture exposure and mold growth. Hire a qualified roofing contractor to inspect and repair any damaged or deteriorated roofing materials.

Proper Ventilation:

Ensure adequate ventilation in attics and other enclosed spaces to promote airflow and reduce humidity levels. Use exhaust fans, roof vents, and soffit vents to facilitate ventilation and prevent moisture buildup.

Regular Inspections:

Schedule regular inspections of your roof and attic to detect and address potential leaks before they escalate into larger issues. Look for signs of water stains, discoloration, or mold growth, and address any issues promptly.

Mold development in a leaking roof can occur relatively quickly, especially under favorable conditions such as high humidity and warm temperatures. By understanding the factors influencing mold growth and taking proactive measures to address roof leaks and prevent moisture buildup, homeowners can mitigate the risk of mold damage and maintain a healthy indoor environment. If you suspect mold growth from a leaking roof, contact a professional restoration company like SERVPRO® for expert assessment and remediation services.

Why Smart Home Technology Can Be A Lifesaver Against Water Damage

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Standing water in a room. Incorporating smart home technology into your property can be a game-changer when it comes to protecting against water damage.

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, offering convenience, efficiency, and even safety enhancements. One area where technological advancements shine is in home protection, particularly against the threat of water damage. Smart home technology has emerged as a lifesaver, providing homeowners with innovative solutions to prevent water damage and mitigate its impact. Let's explore how integrating smart home technology into your property can help you protect your home against water-related disasters.

Smart Leak Detection Systems: Early Warning Against Water Intrusion

One of the most significant advantages of smart home technology is its ability to detect water leaks early, often before they escalate into major problems. Smart leak detection systems use sensors placed in key areas vulnerable to water damage, such as near appliances, under sinks, and around water heaters. These sensors continuously monitor moisture levels and can alert homeowners via smartphone notifications at the first sign of a leak. By providing early warning, smart leak detection systems empower homeowners to take immediate action to address the issue, potentially averting costly water damage repairs.

Wi-Fi Connected Water Shut-Off Valves: Instant Response to Emergencies

In the event of a detected leak, smart home technology offers another layer of protection with Wi-Fi connected water shut-off valves. These valves can automatically turn off the water supply to the affected area, preventing further water intrusion and minimizing damage. Additionally, homeowners can remotely control these valves via smartphone apps, allowing them to shut off the water supply from anywhere, even if they're away from home. This capability provides peace of mind and enables swift action in emergency situations, reducing the risk of extensive water damage.

Moisture-Sensing Smart Appliances: Proactive Defense Against Water Damage

Another innovative application of smart home technology is the integration of moisture-sensing capabilities into household appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators. These appliances use advanced sensors to detect abnormal levels of moisture, indicating potential leaks or malfunctions. Upon detection, these appliances can automatically pause their operations and alert homeowners to the issue, preventing water damage before it occurs. By proactively identifying and addressing moisture-related issues, smart appliances help homeowners avoid costly repairs and property damage.

Smart Home Monitoring Systems: Comprehensive Oversight of Your Property

To provide homeowners with comprehensive oversight of their property, smart home monitoring systems offer integrated solutions for monitoring various environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, and moisture levels. These systems use sensors placed throughout the home to continuously track environmental conditions and identify anomalies that may indicate water damage risks. With real-time alerts and data visualization features, homeowners can stay informed about their property's condition and take proactive measures to prevent water damage.

Leveraging Smart Home Technology for Water Damage Prevention

Incorporating smart home technology into your property can be a game-changer when it comes to protecting against water damage. From early leak detection to automated shut-off valves and moisture-sensing appliances, these innovative solutions empower homeowners to take proactive steps in preventing water-related disasters. By investing in smart home technology, you not only enhance your property's safety and security but also gain invaluable peace of mind knowing that your home is equipped to handle potential water damage threats.

Weathering the Storm: Safety Measures During Lightning Storms

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

As majestic as lightning may appear from a distance, its power and unpredictability make it one of nature's most formidable forces. Lightning storms can strike suddenly and with devastating consequences, posing serious risks to both life and property. In this blog, we'll explore essential safety measures to follow during lightning storms, ensuring the protection of yourself, your loved ones, and your home.

Understanding the Threat

Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that occurs during thunderstorms, resulting from the buildup of static electricity within clouds. When this electrical charge is discharged, it seeks the path of least resistance to the ground, often striking trees, buildings, or other elevated objects in its path. Lightning strikes can cause fires, structural damage, and even fatalities, making it essential to take precautions when thunderstorms are in the forecast.

Safety Measures

  1. Monitor Weather Forecasts: Stay informed about weather conditions in your area by monitoring local weather forecasts and alerts. If thunderstorms are predicted, take proactive steps to prepare for the possibility of lightning strikes.
  2. Seek Shelter Indoors: When thunderstorms are imminent, seek shelter indoors in a sturdy, enclosed building. Avoid taking shelter in small sheds, picnic shelters, or other structures that do not provide adequate protection from lightning.
  3. Avoid Open Areas: If you are outdoors when a thunderstorm approaches, seek shelter immediately. Avoid open fields, hilltops, and other exposed areas where you may be the tallest object and at increased risk of being struck by lightning.
  4. Stay Away from Water: Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, increasing the risk of injury or death from lightning strikes. Avoid swimming, boating, or bathing during thunderstorms, and seek shelter indoors until the storm passes.
  5. Avoid Electrical Devices: Lightning can cause power surges and electrical fires, so it's essential to avoid using electrical devices during thunderstorms. Unplug appliances and electronics to prevent damage from lightning strikes or power surges.
  6. Wait for the All-Clear: After the last clap of thunder has sounded, wait at least 30 minutes before venturing outdoors. Lightning can strike from a distance of up to 10 miles away from the center of a thunderstorm, so it's essential to wait until the threat has passed entirely.

Lightning storms are a powerful force of nature that demands respect and caution. By following these safety measures during thunderstorms, you can reduce the risk of injury or damage from lightning strikes and keep yourself and your loved ones safe during inclement weather. Remember, when it comes to lightning, it's better to err on the side of caution and seek shelter indoors until the storm has passed completely.

Tips for Restoring Fire-Damaged Clothing

4/17/2024 (Permalink)

Experiencing a fire in your home can be a devastating event, affecting not only your property but also your personal belongings, including clothing. Fire-damaged clothing may seem beyond repair, but with the right approach, many items can be salvaged and restored to their pre-damage condition. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to safely handle and restore fire-damaged clothing to help you recover your wardrobe after a fire.

Assessing the Damage

Before attempting to restore fire-damaged clothing, it's essential to assess the extent of the damage. Inspect each item carefully for signs of charring, melting, or discoloration caused by heat and smoke exposure. Items that have been severely damaged may be beyond repair and should be discarded to prevent further contamination.

Removing Soot and Smoke Odors

Fire-damaged clothing often accumulates soot and smoke odors, which can be challenging to remove. Begin by gently shaking out the clothing to dislodge loose soot particles, taking care not to spread the soot further. Next, launder the clothing using a heavy-duty detergent specially formulated to break down soot and smoke residues. Adding white vinegar to the wash cycle can also help neutralize lingering odors.

Professional Dry Cleaning

For delicate or heavily soiled items, professional dry cleaning may be necessary to ensure thorough cleaning and restoration. Dry cleaning uses specialized solvents and techniques to remove soot, smoke odors, and other contaminants from fabric without causing damage. Be sure to inform the dry cleaner about the nature of the fire damage so they can take appropriate precautions during the cleaning process.

Air Drying and Deodorizing

After laundering or dry cleaning, air drying the clothing outdoors can help remove any remaining odors and freshen the fabric. Hang the clothing on a clothesline or garment rack in a well-ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight, which can cause fading. For stubborn odors, place a bowl of activated charcoal or baking soda near the clothing to absorb odors naturally.

Inspecting for Damage

Once the clothing has been cleaned and dried, carefully inspect each item for any lingering damage or odor. Pay close attention to seams, zippers, and other areas where soot and smoke residues may have accumulated. If any items still show signs of damage or odor after cleaning, consider seeking professional restoration services to ensure thorough restoration.

In conclusion, while fire damage to clothing can be distressing, many items can be salvaged and restored with the right approach. By following these tips for safe and effective restoration, you can recover your wardrobe and minimize the impact of fire damage on your personal belongings. If you need assistance with fire damage restoration, including cleaning and restoring clothing, don't hesitate to contact the experts at SERVPRO of East Arlington for professional assistance tailored to your specific needs.

Career Opportunities at SERVPRO

8/15/2023 (Permalink)


Career Opportunities at SERVPRO

With 22 franchises in 6 locations throughout TN, FL, and TX, SERVPRO Team Nicholson is an exciting, diverse, innovative place to work. We foster positive company culture, offer competitive compensation packages, and prioritize community involvement. Come find out what it takes to be a part of our team! 

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a proud, laser-focused team holding each other accountable while creating positive opportunities for our people and becoming the most efficiently run organization in the markets we serve.

We value honesty, reliability, relationships, trustworthiness, and authenticity! Our team develops and provides solutions; we are go-getters and carry a “bring it” attitude to our work environment. We listen and value each other’s thoughts and ideas and strive to bring them to life.

We are built on hard work, transparency, good business, and integrity. We believe, “You can’t go wrong doing the right thing.” 

Bill Repsel, our Regional Administrator, shared his testimony on what it's like working for SERVPRO. He said, "Every day is a new day. It is an opportunity to serve others in our community in a time of need. We have an incredible team of people with great talent that strives to make a difference every day." 

SERVPRO of East Arlington is proud of the work we do and is always looking for like-minded people interested in a rewarding career.

Fires are More Than Just Flames

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

garage after fire, photo taken from back wall toward the open bay door smoke damage can occur in rooms where the flames were not even present

Fire Damage Consists of More Than Flames

The damages from flames after a fire are not the only damages incurred. Flames can move throughout the home quickly, burning and ruining every item in their path, but once the flames have been extinguished, the home is left with soot and smoke damages, too. Smoke damage can completely devastate a home if not properly and swiftly addressed. In fact, smoke damage can occur in rooms where the flames were not even present.

With so much attention placed on the flames, people often overlook the dangers linked to smoke damage. The following are some of the most common issues of smoke damage after a home fire:

  • Toxic air
  • Smoke odor in upholstered furniture, drapery, clothing, carpets, and in the air
  • Charring
  • Warped plastic
  • Warped wood
  • Yellow stains on walls and ceilings
  • Household textiles covered in soot

Salvaging items that have smoke damage is a complicated issue. A smoke damage expert will need to assess the home and the impacted items to determine what can be saved. In addition, smoke damage experts will tackle lingering smoke in less obvious places like crevices and cracks where particles may linger, since the smell can last for months following a fire.

Smoke Damage is as Dangerous as Fire Damage

During a fire, the materials that burn produce toxic smoke filled with microscopic particles known as soot. These tiny particles become charged from the extreme heat and migrate to cooler air found in other parts of the house, forming soot webs. Because this smoke is often scorching, it can cause additional damage by melting plastics, scorching fabrics, and textiles and spreading toxic gasses that will kill any living thing in its path. That's why smoke alarms throughout your home are critical to saving lives.

Don’t Grab, Just Go.

The Department of Homeland Security says, "In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can [...] turn into a major fire…Most deadly fires occur in the home when people are asleep. If you wake up to a fire, you won't have time to grab valuables because the fire spreads too quickly, and the smoke is too thick. There is only time to escape."

Call Us Today for a FREE Fire Damage Estimate

Restoring smoke and fire-damaged items costs less than replacing them. We love when we can restore your belongings, especially items with sentimental value. Call us for a free fire damage consultation. We have helped hundreds of families recover from house fire damages and our fire damage repair and restoration specialists have years of experience.

SERVPRO Cleans More Than Just Fire and Water

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technician in hazmat suit our highly trained technicians are ready to respond promptly

From Cleanup to Construction: A Full Range of Services

When it comes to restoration services, SERVPRO of East Arlington is your go-to team. We do more than just water damage cleanup, fire cleanup, mold clean up, and carpet cleanings. With the addition of our construction division, we can provide building services that most restoration companies simply can't match. One area where we excel is the removal of graffiti.

Battling Vandalism and Erasing Graffiti

Vandalism and graffiti can be incredibly frustrating and disruptive. From minor pranks to more severe property damage, these acts can have serious consequences. Did you know that even simple acts of vandalism, like breaking a window, can lead to significant water and mold damage if not addressed promptly? That's why it's crucial to act quickly and call the professionals at SERVPRO of East Arlington.

Our Expert Vandalism and Graffiti Cleanup Services

At SERVPRO of East Arlington, we understand the impact that vandalism and graffiti can have on homes and businesses. That's why our highly trained technicians are ready to respond promptly and restore your property to its pre-vandalism state. Our comprehensive services include:

  1. General cleaning and graffiti removal: We'll make sure to remove any spray-painted graffiti and restore the affected surfaces.
  2. Brick, stone, and concrete cleaning: We have the expertise to clean various materials, ensuring a thorough restoration process.
  3. Odor removal and deodorization: We'll eliminate any unpleasant smells caused by vandalism, leaving your space fresh and clean.
  4. Debris removal: Our team will efficiently remove any debris or trash left behind by the act of vandalism.
  5. Water damage restoration: If there is water damage resulting from the vandalism, we'll address it promptly to prevent further issues like mold growth.
  6. Fire damage restoration: In cases where vandalism involves fire, we have the necessary knowledge to handle fire damage restoration.
  7. Mold damage restoration: Our expertise extends to mold damage restoration, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for you.

If you're facing vandalism or graffiti issues, don't hesitate to reach out to us at SERVPRO of East Arlington. We're here to help you through these challenging situations, providing the expertise and services needed to restore your property and bring back peace of mind.

We're not just about cleanup—we're your reliable partners in restoration and construction.

Ready for Whatever Happens

4/21/2023 (Permalink)


SERVPRO of East Arlington is committed to providing fire and water cleanup and restoration services to reduce business interruptions and recovery costs.

SERVPRO can provide:

  • Over 40 years of experience as a leading fire and water cleanup and restoration provider.
  • A SERVPRO franchise nearby - more than 1,500 franchises servicing 48 states.
  • More locations for faster responses.
  • Quick response time to help ensure the damage is contained and the restoration process begins promptly.
  • Large loss capabilities - no fire or water damage is too big.

As many as 50% of businesses close down following a disaster, according to the latest research. Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place. Pre-planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind and knowing you are "Ready for whatever happens" speaks to your clients and employees that in the event your business is affected by a disaster, they don't necessarily have to be.

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile for your business, you help to minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Know what to do, who to call, and what to expect in advance helps receive timely mitigation and can help minimize the effects water and fire damage can have on your business.

Why SERVPRO of East Arlington?

4/21/2023 (Permalink)


The past few decades have seen a rapid advancement in the technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements allow SERVPRO of East Arlington Professionals to restore a property to preloss condition quickly, reliably, and more effectively.

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) sets practical standards for restoration and cleaning. The IICRC S500 Water Damage Guide is a specific set of practical standards that incorporate the field of psychometry, which involves the manipulation of temperature and relative humidity to remove moisture and dry a property quickly and effectively.

Moisture Detection and Measurement Equipment

Scientific drying principles rely upon specialized equipment to detect, measure and monitor a property’s moisture levels. Recent advances, like infrared cameras, can help us detect water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

  • An infrared camera may be used to identify water locations for thorough water removal.
  • Sensitive moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation

Water Extraction Equipment

Powerful extraction equipment speeds the drying process by removing the bulk of the water from your home or business.

  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps for continuous pumping of high-level water. 
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

Drying Equipment

Industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers are needed to remove the remaining moisture from the ceiling, walls, and floors of your home or business. Proper drying helps to prevent swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture.

  • High-speed air movers cause moisture to evaporate at a faster pace
  • Industrial grade dehumidifiers pull the water vapor from the air.

Odor Removal and Deodorization

Water and fire damage often causes powerful odors. The machines we use remove airborne contaminants and control the air quality during the restoration and cleanup process.

  • Air scrubbers
  • Thermal foggers and deodorization agents

Sanitizing Agents, Germicides, and Anti-Microbial Treatments

The use of OSHA-approved cleaning agents may be needed to clean and remove odors and/or contaminants on your property.

  • Deodorization products control odors from excessive moisture.
  • Disinfection products stop the growth of bacteria, fungi, mildew, and other harmful microorganisms.

Give SERVPRO of East Arlington today!

Drastic Results from Water Damage to Your Texas House

4/21/2023 (Permalink)


One of the worst things that a homeowner can find themselves grappling with is a flood. In the aftermath of a flood, the property becomes susceptible to extensive water damage that can adversely impact your home. Water damage becomes progressively worse with each passing minute, and can give rise to the following problems:

  • mold and mildew proliferation in your walls, furnishings, and carpets
  • the growth of microorganisms that cause rotting in wood and fabric
  • odors that become progressively worse/permanent
  • the drywall becomes warped, soaked, and unusable
  • wood and furniture become malformed and starts to smell
  • metal rusts and starts to tarnish

Once these problems begin to surface, your insurance claim will often rise in cost. Additionally, your chance of recovering your home and restoring its original value can decrease drastically. It's also important to note that water damage can make your home difficult or impossible to live in if fungi begin to grow. The fungi show up as black or green mold and can appear wherever moisture or water has accumulated. More problems can surface including buckling floors, wooden door casings that swell up, wallpaper that peels, and adhesives that lose their bond with ceramic tile. Some other challenges that can occur include the staining of fabric, failure of electronic components, and peeling of paint. Home occupants are also at risk of contaminants in the water and air. Finally, exposure to contaminants can pose a variety of health effects.


The many results from water damage can hurt your Texas home. However, you can limit initial damage to your home by immediately calling in a water damage restoration company such as SERVPRO. The rapid execution of the water removal process helps protect the health of your household members from deteriorating. By contracting such a professional team of water damage specialists, the technicians immediately attack and quickly arrest mold growth before it becomes a serious, health-compromising issue in your home. Additionally, SERVPRO can offer a wealth of other cleanup services that help restore your Sango residential property to its previous condition. You can then resume living in it without fear or anxiety. With extensive industry experience, we know how nerve-wracking dealing with water damage can be. And that's why we work with experience and excellence to eliminate all issues that negatively impact your abode.

Locally Owned and Operated

We live and work in Texas too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of East Arlington is close by and ready to respond to your water or flood damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Sango community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

We know that water and flooding emergencies can happen any time, so we’re ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – including holidays. Call us today!